Dead persons viewpoint

Just A Small Town Girl
1 min readApr 6, 2024


As I lay here in stillness, surrounded by loved ones weeping,

I watch as they gather, their sorrow silently seeping.

My earthly vessel lies cold, a shell of who I used to be,

But my spirit soars free, in a realm they cannot see.

They speak of memories shared, of moments cherished dear,

As tears fall like rain, and whispers fill the air.

But I am not confined to this somber scene below,

For I’ve embarked on a journey where no mortal feet can go.

I feel their grief like a gentle breeze, caressing my soul’s flight,

But I am weightless now, in the realm of endless light.

No more pain, no more sorrow, just peace beyond compare,

As I soar among the stars, in the vastness of the air.

Though they mourn my passing, and bid me their farewell,

I am closer than they know, in every whispered swell.

For love knows no boundaries, not even death can sever,

And in their hearts, I’ll reside, now and forever.



Just A Small Town Girl

“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.” — Stephen King