The Tales of Ron & Kellie

Just A Small Town Girl
3 min readOct 5, 2023


Once upon a time in the quaint little town of Willowbrook, there lived two individuals who were as vile as they were inseparable. Ron and Kellie were notorious for their wicked ways and insatiable narcissism. They reveled in manipulating those around them, and their favorite target was a sweet and innocent girl named Shonda.

Shonda was a kind-hearted and gentle soul, known for her unwavering compassion and warm smile. She had never harmed a soul and believed in the goodness that resided in everyone. Unfortunately, this belief in the inherent goodness of others made her an easy target for Ron and Kellie.

Ron, with his slicked-back hair and sharp suits, was the mastermind of their malicious schemes. He possessed a silver tongue that could twist the truth into the most convincing lies. Kellie, on the other hand, had an enchanting beauty that hid her devious intentions. With her long, flowing locks and captivating blue eyes, she could charm anyone into believing her every word.

Their sinister plot began one sunny afternoon when Shonda innocently invited them to her humble cottage for tea. Little did she know that this gesture of kindness would be the catalyst for her downfall. As they sipped tea from delicate porcelain cups, Ron and Kellie exchanged wicked glances.

Over the next few weeks, Ron and Kellie went to great lengths to poison the minds of Shonda’s closest friends. They whispered lies, fabricated stories, and spun tales of Shonda’s supposed deceit and treachery. Slowly but surely, they turned Shonda’s friends against her, convincing them that she was not the person they thought she was.

Shonda could feel the coldness creeping into her life. Her once vibrant social circle began to shrink, and she found herself ostracized and alone. Her heart ached as she witnessed her friends distancing themselves from her, and she couldn’t understand what she had done to deserve such betrayal.

One fateful evening, as Shonda walked along the town’s charming cobblestone streets, she stumbled upon a hidden garden. In the heart of this garden, she discovered a gnarled old tree with a trunk twisted and contorted by time. As she gazed upon it, Shonda felt an inexplicable sense of solace.

In that serene moment, something within her awakened. She decided it was time to confront her so-called friends. Gathering her strength, she invited them all to meet her at the garden, unaware that Ron and Kellie had planted spies among her friends to ensure their manipulation continued.

As the gathering began, Shonda stood beneath the twisted tree and spoke from her heart. She recounted the countless memories they had shared, the love and support they had once given one another, and the inexplicable rift that had grown between them. Tears welled up in her eyes as she begged them to remember who she truly was.

Just as her heartfelt plea reached its peak, Ron and Kellie stepped forward with smug grins. They accused Shonda of being manipulative and deceitful, spinning their web of lies even further. But this time, Shonda’s genuine sincerity shone through, and some of her friends began to question the authenticity of Ron and Kellie’s claims.

It was then that the spies, feeling the weight of their deceit, confessed to Shonda’s friends about Ron and Kellie’s wicked plan. The truth came crashing down, and the bonds of friendship began to mend. Ron and Kellie’s facade crumbled, revealing their true malevolence.

Shonda forgave her friends for their momentary lapse in judgment, and together they banished Ron and Kellie from their lives. With their deception exposed, the narcissistic pair left Willowbrook in disgrace, never to return.

As for Shonda and her friends, they learned the valuable lesson that true friendship could withstand even the most cunning of manipulators. Their bond grew stronger, and they lived happily ever after, cherishing the warmth of their hearts over the coldness of deception.



Just A Small Town Girl

“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.” — Stephen King